Railway Preservation News

Help! Trying to find an old story...
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Author:  Foremarke [ Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! Trying to find an old story...

If anyone can help.

At some point, Back in the mid 2000s, I recall reading an article about a woman who owned a Pullman or similar railroad car, and how her car had been contracted for the early NASA rocket transport trains, and the extended stories from that.

I... can't find anything about it since. More recent trains and operations have meant the likes of Wikipedia and different news sources are focused on the more recent operations after UP and Nasa refitted and assigned more specialist vehicles, so the Private Owner coaches used earlier on are a bit forgotten.

If anyone could help, and fill in what has happened to the coach and person involved, I'm interested in seeing if the story could be revitalised.

Author:  robert havens [ Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! Trying to find an old story...

Keep trying! I remember the article, even had a photograph. TRAINS magazine, perhaps.
My 80 year old brain says the car was the VIRGINA CITY, strange as that seems. I remember thinking that the car had come a LONG way down. Good Luck - Bob

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