Railway Preservation News

WANTED - Berth Lights
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Author:  wcb07 [ Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  WANTED - Berth Lights

To enable a complete and accurate restoration of theMid-Continent Railway Museum's DSS&A DULUTH sleeping car we want a complete set of the original electric berth lamps for the main sleeping section of the car. The desired berth lamp is a “flip-up” style made by the Dayton Manufacturing Company and is known as a No. 9 Electric Berth Lamp. MCRM presently has (6) of these berth lamps on hand and needs (14) additional berth lamps so the car will have a complete set.

Mid-Continent needs your help to locate and source these lamps so the DULUTH can have a full set of the Dayton No. 9 berth lamps. Mid-Continent would greatly appreciate having berth lamp(s) donated or gifted to the museum and if necessary, is willing to consider purchasing berth lamp(s). Please consider helping Mid-Continent achieve the goal of having a full set of historically appropriate berth lights. Thank you in advance for helping to preserve and restore the country's oldest surviving open section sleeping car.

Contact MCRM at 608-522-4261 or restorations@midcontinent.org
DULUTH Information: https://www.midcontinent.org/equipment-roster/wooden-passenger-cars/duluth-south-shore-atlantic-duluth/

Bill Buhrmaster
MCRM Restoration Dept.

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