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 Post subject: Rant
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:23 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:30 am
Posts: 1233
Location: Eagan, MN
Administering and/or moderating RyPN has never been a particularly rewarding task, and it is becoming less so by the week. The level of snark, sarcasm, ad hominem and "alpha male behaviour" has elevated to the point where I despair of the future of this forum.

To put it less delicately the children in my granddaughter's Montessori school are kinder and more considerate of one another than many of the more prolific posters here. When a group of very bright four year olds interact with one another better than a group of adults, I find this disturbing.

So let me make this blunt: read the Interchange Guidelines and abide by them scrupulously. They are going to be enforced. If you feel the need to attack other posters, you will quickly find yourself in the position where ALL your posts are moderated and cannot be seen by anyone, until a moderator approves each post individually. And I absolutely guarantee you that this will irritate the moderators more than it irritates you.

This is NOT a public place, it is a private facility and you participate here by the grace of those who provide it. Your "free speech" rights don't exist here. Never have and never will. If you cannot address one another with courtesy and consideration, you might consider enrolling yourself in a Montessori School. The kids there do a fine job of this.

There are clearly people here who dislike one another, and that is their absolute right. However that dislike will NOT be expressed here. It is antithetical to the purpose of RyPN. So if you dislike one another feel free to do so, BUT KEEP IT PRIVATE. This forum does not exist to permit you to flog your anger, ego, biases or traumas in public. Do it, and you'll pay the consequences going forward.

And to those of you who like to "push the limits" to see how close to the edge you can take your posts and get away with them, the edge just moved. Be civil or begone. I don't care which.

Doug Bailey, Webmaster

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